The Vietnam Swans recently held their 2020 Annual General Meeting.
At the meeting, an update of the year was provided by both the President and Treasurer. A new National Executive committee structure was proposed and, with a minor adjustment, was passed at the meeting.
The Executive Committee for 2021
The current incumbents in the VP – Treasurer and VP – Communication roles both noted that they will need to transition from the roles in 2021 and the committee noted that a succession plan will be instigated to ensure a handover period.
The new Vietnam Swans Executive committee for 2021 is:
President – Eric Kerrison
VP – Treasurer – Rod Stone (succession plan discussion will begin in February 2021, John Do has expressed an interest in finding out more about the role)
VP – Communications – James Bairstow (succession plan with Jason Kane will start immediately)
Southern Operations Manager Men – Will Sandman
Southern Operations Manager Women -Naomi Reidy
Northern Operations Manager Men – to be confirmed
Northern Operations Manager Women – to be confirmed
I would like to thank all those that took the time to log into the meeting and look forward to working with the new committee in 2021.
The President