Australian Youth Ambassadors

Australian Youth Ambassadors

Over the next two weeks, information sessions are being held around Australia for the Australian Youth Ambassadors for Development program.

The program, sponsored by AusAid, enables young, skilled Australians to work with Host Organisations and Australian Partners throughout the Asia Pacific region “to achieve sustainable development through capacity building, skills exchange and institutional strengthening”.

These AYADs do a great job in-country. Some of the AYADs in Vietnam have even found the Swannies and become key building blocks in the development of our Club. High profile AYAD recruits have included Symmo and Ed Smith (please post a comment below with the names of other AYADs who have been involved with the Club!).

If you’re interested in becoming an AYAD, check out the AYAD website and attend one of their information sessions. Hopefully, you will also become involved with the Vietnam Swans or one of the other footy teams in Asia.