Last Thursday, Swannie Dave O’Shea, fired up training out in Binh Duong which is just 45 minutes from Saigon…
Training last Thursday night was a great success.
We had a mixture of nationalities and gender. We had Mara from Australia who is the first girl I have seen attend a Swannies training session*. Also her boyfriend Josh, a 6′ 3″ gun, who plays in the country league in WA, was visiting and heard about the training session. He turned up and showed us some things. He was so impressed and excited when I told him about all the good things happening around the Club, such as all the touring to other countries and the ANZAC Friendship Match. He said he would love to come back and play a match for the Swans.
The different nationalities at the training session were; Irish, American, British, Canadian and of course Australian.
It is so good to introduce the game to so many different countries. “Michael” from America quoted after the training session,
“Wow I love this game! It is so much better than American Football! Hand balling is so cool!”
* Ed’s note:
Last Wednesday on this website, former Hanoi President of the original Hanoi Swans spent 5 minutes with the Flyer. He also mentioned having a couple of young females training with us.
In Hanoi, the boys used to train at Dead Cat Stadium (known to the locals as Hoang Cau Stadium). There, it was often joked that the lights were just bright enough to work out where light towers should be installed. Judging by the lack of light in the above photo, Binh Duong could probably use a light tower or two as well!
Well done Dave for opening up the Swannies latest Chapter.
Whatcha bin doin’ in Binh Duong? Footy, mate. Honk, honk!
*** Hanoi Committee Meeting*** Tonight, the Hanoi Committee shall meet at JASPAS, Hanoi Towers.