Renee Tong, a Chinese Canadian, is hoping to win a competition that would give her $10,000 to help her get to next year’s International Cup in Australia.
Renee Tong is a Chinese Canadian who plays football with the Canadian Northern Lights. She’s also been a team mate of former resident Swannie and Viet Kieu, Kien La (click here for an update from Kien), from the Central Blues in Toronto.
Renee is desperately wanting to compete in next year’s International Cup in Australia.
To help her get there, she has entered a competition in Canada where the winner will collect $10,000 to put towards their ‘athletic dream’. The winner is determined by the most number of votes that they receive – and so, given her Chinese origins, Renee thought who better to ask for help than AFL Asia??
Renee says that she is “currently in second place in the contest but I am only behind by 500 votes. If I can get as many people as I can to vote for me every day until the end of the contest (tomorrow – 31 August midnight EST time), I actually have a shot at this unbelievable grant!
“AFL Canada and AFL Europe have been helping promote and I hope you’re able to do the same . Any votes are hugely appreciated.”
To vote for Renee, just click here.
Items of related interest
- My athletic dream is to represent Canada in the 2014 International Cup in Australia, Renee Tong, Genuine Health website.
- Northern Lights Player Shares Her IC14 Dream For Athletic Health Prize, Tobietta Rhyman, World Footy News.
- To see the website of Renee’s Central Blues AFL, Toronto, click here.
- To vote for Renee, just click here.