Winners are grinnersLast night Jody Condra, an American, won the Jim Beam Raffle. Jody’s not an ordinary American because he lives in Kentucky, just half an hour’s drive from fellow Swans supporter, Will Sandman. More importantly, he’s just one hour’s drive from the Jim Beam distillery.

Jody says proudly that he “grew up drinking Jim Beam”. He adds that he plans to drink his new 4.5 litre mega bottle  during the next Kentucky Derby. For the Derby, it’s tradition that you drink a lot of “Mint Tulips” (Jim Beam, mint and sugar) with a lot of friends.

So when’s the next Kentucky Derby we excitedly asked? Not until May.

May-be, by then, Jody will have a Mega bottle without 4.5 litres of JB. Hearin’ me?

The Walk of Fame