MGard dominatesFor the Asian Champs, Mgard very generously sponsored each Vietnam Swans player with a mouthguard each.

Despite reading the glowing scientific research about the mouthguards, Coach Scotty Stacey and Pres Phil Johns elected to wear their own lucky mouthguards during the Champs. But all that changed on the weekend’s match against the Hong Kong Dragons.

The verdict? Ah-mazing. You can actually wear the mouthguard without feeling like you’re about to gag. You can even yell out your team mate’s name and still make audible sense.

The Mgard mouthguards are a sensation because they are geuinely very, very comfortable.

If you’re looking for a new mouthguard, to quote Molly Meldrum, do yourself a favour and check out Mgard’s mouthguards.