Following last weekend’s match against the AFL Masters, at least four Swannies have Swannified their Facebook profiles. Big names include: Clements, Johns, O’Shea and the Hodge.

Other Swannies with existing Swannified profiles include: McRae, Evans, Jordan and Robb.

This then begs the question, in the lead up to an MSF (Mega Swannies Function), should all Swannies be updating their profiles to help promote the MSF?

If each Swannie has 200 friends, that’s a hefty amount of targetted promotion with minimal effort at zero financial cost.

At the Swannies’ website, we’re unsure what the right answer is.

So, as always, when in doubt, who do we turn to? Mr Powelldaddy. Cast your vote below.

[polldaddy poll=7153655]