The field umpires at the Asian Champs umpired approximately 13 games each and ran 26kms!

The field umpires at the Asian Champs umpired approximately 13 games each and ran 26kms!

Playing between four preliminary games at the Asian Champs – plus semis and the Grand Final if you’re good enough – is a big ask.

But spare a thought for the field umpires.

Adam McDonald, for example, umpired 13 games straight! And, according to the GPS, he covered a total of 26 kilometres. The other umpires would have had very similar stats.

Thank you very much to all the umpires, including boundary and goal umpires, on a stunning job, all day, in the heat.

Field umpires:

  • Adam McDonald
  • Shane
  • Max Walker
  • Alan Sutherland (Yoda)
  • Brett
  • Saul Morgan
  • Alistair Pyers