The 2007 Asian Champs have been played and won! Vietnam Swans President, Phil Johns rang Hanoi on the Red Line to pass on the results.

Hong Kong v Bali in the Grand Final……………..34 points each. YES thats right folks, the 2007 Champs ended in draw. This lead to 5 mins extra time each way.

By the end, Hong Kong proved to strong and claimed the title of 2007 Champs by 8 points

The Vietnam Swans played 4 games through out Saturday and despite putting in a massive effort we were unable to post our first win at our first Champs.

The Swannies were leading at Half Time in 3 of the matches, but just couldn’t cross the line. Phil praised the efforts of all the players and will have lots more to say right here over the next couple of days!

Congrats to the Hong Kong Dragons!