AFL Rocket Scientists

Well, the 2 “Top 10’s” that we have done in our search for AFL rocket scientists has generated such interest that the Swans Blog – renowned for creating shareholder value by giving punters more of what they need – will squeeze in another 3 into our Top 10’s! Unbelievable but true. Read ahead.

21. “Well, either side could win it, or it could be a draw.”(Dermott Brereton)

Dermie - a fair candidate to be a rocket scientist

22. “Strangely, in slow motion replay, the ball seemed to hang in the air for even longer.”(Dermott Brereton)

23. Anon. “Bloody Hird. Gets injured tripping over his own feet. That’s why they call him the tampon. One week in, three weeks out.”

James Hird - another 3 weeks out