Year left Vietnam?
Playing Number(s) worn?
Positions played most often?
What got you involved with the Swans?
Jo Armstrong spotted new teacher profiles in the ISHCMC newsletter for myself and Jarrod Dean, we’d listed we loved AFL. Jo was on the phone the next day and had Mr Danny and Mr Duc pick us up for training the first weekend we were there.
What’s your best memory with the Swannies?
I can’t remember a bad Swannies function of any description, Grand Final Parties, Armstrong Break ups and Presentation evenings, even just the cold beers after training. The people you got to mix with was pretty cool too, CEO’s, travellers, CIA agents, Boat builders and everything in between. Anzac match v Thailand and Dawn Ceremony at Hellfire Pass was massive. I can’t not mention the Bus trip to Cambodia too, that was an eye opener!

The ANZAC tour to Kanchanaburi including photo shoot post game with the WW1 Veterans who had made the trip for the game was one no Swanny will ever forget!
Who were some of the biggest characters / pests in your time at the Swans?
Fabbo and Scotty Stacey were Big, there was nearly a handover of sorts to Dez in my time, all big characters and great leaders of the club.
Gus – The Jimeoin look alike, handed me the Captaincy of the Swans early on as he was leaving Vietnam… but never did! None bigger than Gus, absolute legend.
Bill – loose unit but great bloke, not sure how many passports, scooters, cameras got lost in his time there.
Big Balls and Damo – legends!
Dukesy, Heater and JD ripping blokes and we got to spend a lot of time together at work at footy and in the back of Mr Danny’s car!
Danny Armstrong Great man and family, Matt the Glove, Big Drew, Mr Paul, Playin Coach Josh Little, Shannon, Sam the Greyhound, Kev Hornblower so many characters when you start to go through it!
Timmmmay… I see he’s building a Space Station or something now…. he wasn’t doing that in 2010!
Pests – I won’t pot any of my crew so will go… ‘Willy, Won’t He, He Already has’, I’d only heard about Willy and this other bloke Pottsy as they were from the North so didn’t get to spend too much time with them but every second Swans Story revolved around them for a period. I think I only got to meet Pottsy once, can’t remember if he even played, he made an impression though! Willy is a deadset Swans legend who continues to honk and smash the occasional bia.
How much space have we got here? DOS, Heater, The Horn, Dukesy, Fabbo, Shinboner, MJ, Revo… and the list goes on.

Monkey isn’t even in this pic he sent us but several of the characters are!
If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone just joining the Swans today what would it be?
Which Swan comes to mind first with the following terms:
Funny – Fabbo
Angry – Timmmay… Dave Hadley sometimes too!
Best Dressed – Willy – swannies outfits only!
Lazy – Most of us.
Most Annoying – Bill – only when he was missing before buses or flights.
Best OFF Field – Gus – all others had been taught by Gus.
Best ON Field – Dukes and JD

Another of Monkey’s memory photos sent to thevietnamswans.com including the (sometimes) angriest Swan Dave Hadley, then coach Josh Little and Best OFF Field Gus.
Tell us a bit about where you are now…
Where are you living now?
What are you doing with your life these days? Work, family, playing footy? Others?
Still teaching, High School in Torquay and each year I unfurl the 5m long Grand Final Party Banner that I was lucky enough to feature on and demand respect as former National Captain of 84million people.
Married Kels and kids keep us busy now, regularly catch up with Nat Payne and Monkey’s Josh and talk all things Swannies. Last game of footy was in Hong Kong, didn’t manage a game after leaving the Swans, that’s why you need to enjoy while you can!