May 20, 2007
Yesterday in Hanoi, the Hanoi Branch of the Vietnam Swans participated in Austrade’s Australian Shools Open Day at the Melia Hotel. They showed promo videos, live footy skills and handed out 300 of those awesome QBE Insurance Vietnam Swans footy […]
May 20, 2007
In news just to hand, the Swans’ Captain, G-Train McEwin, who suffered a crippling blow to his shoulder against the Saigon Geckos on 21 April, today announced to a packed and breathless media room: “I’ll play in the Champs”. This […]
May 20, 2007
Hanoi’s famous One Pillar Pagoda has waited 1,000 years to see a decent hat. Although there was stony silence at the timber pagoda, it is believed that the efforts of DT’s (Daryl Taber’s) mate, Bill, were appreciated.
May 19, 2007
The Official 2007 Asian Champs logo has been unveiled. In case you missed all the action in the electronic and print media, it has been kindly reproduced below.
May 15, 2007
Asian Champs. I trust you’re all busy this weekend writing player profiles for the Asian Champs as we have to submit them at the start of next week. Attached is a submission I have received for Taber. Must admit, I […]
May 11, 2007
Dear Supporters, Friends, Players n Trainers of the Vietnam Swans! It is my great pleasure to announce that QBE Insurance has very generously agreed to sponsor 900 “Vietnam Swans” hats. That’s right, it’s not a Hanoi Swans hat; it’s a […]
May 7, 2007
With 2 months and 10 days before the Vietnam Swans’ inaugural appearance at the Asian Championships we need to take stock. We need to draw breath because… there’s a chance this could be the most important weekend in our important […]
May 7, 2007
The Hanoi Swans claimed a moral victory on the weekend when we liberated Saigon by helping them throw their preference for rugby out the window. The Saigon Geckos footy department put on a powerhouse performance and beat the Hanoi Swans […]
May 7, 2007
It’s Friday at 10.30am in Saigon – exactly 24 hours before the bounce of the ball tomorrow at Saigon’s RMIT University for the clash of Vietnam’s Titans, the Saigon Geckos and Hanoi Swans. It’s a keenly anticipated match. The sensationalist […]
May 7, 2007
The Hanoi Swans have created a monster – Pago the Photographic Pest. Seemingly, the East coast of Australia is no longer safe from the Saigon Rugby Club’s President (who, incidentally, lists becoming a social member of the Hanoi Swans […]
May 7, 2007
Saigon Vs Hanoi Swans Saigon Vs Hanoi is just another week away. It’s on Saturday 21 April, 10.30am at RMIT. It’s on at 10.30am to beat the heat and finish in time for the start of the Big Day Out […]
May 7, 2007
Well, the Photographic Study of Migratory Hanoi Swans has officially kicked off with one goose submitting two photos of himself at Telstra Dome, Melbourne, on the weekend – wearing the Swans hat, of course. The Goose is none other than […]
May 7, 2007
Saturday March 21st, 2007 “Where are you?” “In a taxi with half the team.” “Which half – the good, the bad or the ugly?” “The ugly, and we’re pumped! Where are you?” “In another taxi with the jumpers and shorts. […]
April 11, 2007
Like any other club, the Hanoi Swans is made up of a group of people that hold a similar passion for a particular activity, and in this case it just happens to be the Greatest Game on Earth – Australian […]